Image: Cornell Tukiri
was the main Marae for Tainui people of Whaingaroa until it was destroyed in 1941. Part of the land was returned in 1983 following court cases and a political settlement which has remained independent awaiting completion of the Crown process for compensation and an apology for the destruction of the papakainga, Marae, livelihood and diaspora of Tainui whanau. Despite having its meeting house demolished, the kokiri centre built and managed at Te Kopua by Whaingaroa Ki te Whenua Charitable Trust provides a Marae style space for whanau to experience kohanga reo, whakairo, hui, tangi, cultural and educational whanau Wananga and various events and celebrations.
Rakaunui Papakainga was used by some of the whanau as a Marae after Te Kopua was destroyed.
Te Kopua Organisations
Te Kopua Trust (Ahuwhenua)
Te Kopua Whanau Camp
Whaingaroa Ki Te Whenua Trust
Whaingaroa Kohanga Reo
Te Kopua 2B3 Incorporation
For further information and upcoming events find us on Facebook
Tainui Hapu Ki Whaingaroa